JH Israel Education
Bringing relevant perspectives.
Inspiring hope.
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What Does It Mean to be Israeli?
“Being Israeli is: to argue like crazy and then fight side by side. To travel in India and then look for the first flight home. To insist on coming to reserve duty even though you weren’t called up. To hold the tassels of your tallit even though you’re an atheist. To keep on hoping in spite of the atrocities. To be shocked by the clips (of war) and then shout AM YISRAEL CHAI.”
The Israel-Hamas War Explained
From time immemorial, the right to defend oneself from unprovoked aggression has been recognized in every civilization known to man. Indeed, the right to national self-defense in the face of attack has been recognized as an inherent right of states since the very emergence of international law. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Not when it comes to Israel unfortunately.
Close to Death and Yet Far From It
How many times have we heard the statement that “You never truly know or appreciate what you have until it’s taken away”? This brave Israeli paratrooper fighting in Gaza is sounding a clarion call to action: Appreciate your lives and your loved ones before it’s too late! Here are excerpts from his moving letter:
What God Says is Best: A History of Modern Israel
We live in a time when it is becoming increasingly popular to be hateful toward Israel or apathetic at best. Regardless of how the rest of society treats Israel, it is vitally important that we continue to align ourselves with God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people. He has inherently demonstrated through the ages that His plans and purposes for Israel are firmly established.
The Angel in Gaza
Those that have found refuge in the God of Israel can count on Him to intervene miraculously in their lives. Have you heard the joke about how the great military generals of all time gathered to talk about their victories? One by one they stood and recounted stories of mind boggling and impressive feats.