Celebrating 100,000 Participants at the National Leadership Center

A letter from JH Israel Founder and President Heather Johnston

We've reached an extraordinary milestone at the National Leadership Center (NLC). Since we began in 2010, we've helped 100,000 of Israel's future leaders learn through experience about their life purpose and biblical identity! Throughout this remarkable journey, students, IDF recruits, at-risk youth, and others learned about God, faith, and their spiritual heritage as they participated in activities on the challenge courses.

From the beginning, the National Leadership Center's vision has been a partnership between JH Israel and key leaders in Israel. The city of Ariel, the Ministry of Education, and the Israel Defense Forces have owned this together with us. There have been seemingly insurmountable challenges along the way, but God has miraculously shown us how to overcome them.

I can’t fully express my appreciation for Eran Glazer and his NLC team who have taken this partnership to a whole new level. Without his incredible perseverance, we would never have reached this milestone. He and the team have put together a celebration video you won’t want to miss!

Most of all, I’m deeply grateful for you. You’ve prayed, encouraged, and given financially to make this exceptional milestone a reality.

And the best is yet to come! In 2023 we’ll be expanding facilities, launching new programs, and extending the reach and impact of the National Leadership Center. Thank you for being with us on this incredible, God-directed journey!

Every Blessing,

Heather Johnston


G-d is in the Scene Even if Unseen - Purim