We will not board the train again

“Good people often refuse to believe the totality of evil until evil proves them wrong. Let’s not fool ourselves, evil is here and we can’t continue to be blind to that fact. Hamas has shown us that. As we fight against Hamas, we must do everything to protect the innocents but we will not back down from protecting ourselves. The days when Jews run and hid from evil are over! We will not board the train again! We will fight to protect ourselves.”
— Yair Lapid- Former prime minister of Israel, and current Leader of the Opposition.

More about Yair Lapid:

Lapid is an Israeli politician, and a former journalist. He has been the Leader of the Opposition since January 2023, having previously served in that role from 2020 to 2021. He served as the 14th Prime Minister of Israel from July to December 2022. He previously served as the  Alternate Prime Minister of Israel and  Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2021 to 2022. Lapid is the chairman of Yesh Atid party, and was Minister of Finance from 2013 to 2014.

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