A Month of Light
It is December! In this month, we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. Both of these historical events are times of miracles and light! This year, Hanukkah starts at sundown on Christmas Day and goes to sundown on January 2. The Maccabee’s improbable victory over the Greek Seleucid empire led to the rededication of the temple and the miraculous lighting of the temple menorah for eight days with only enough oil for one. The miraculous nativity of Jesus (Yeshua) in a manger in Bethlehem led to the birth of the Light of the World (John 8:12). So whether it is the Jewish people celebrating Hanukkah or the Judeo-Christian celebrating Christmas, we are celebrating miracles of light.
John 1:5 says, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” Light illuminates. Light dispels darkness. Light helps one see. Light is necessary for growth and fosters healthy emotions. “Happy Lights” are now sold to lift dark moods for those who struggle with seasonal affective disorder when, during the wintertime, the northern hemisphere has less natural light. This month, as we decorate our trees and homes with lights as well as light the candles of the menorah, let us come near to the God who radiates light and performs miracles.