Does God Still Perform Miracles?
Does God Still Perform Miracles?
Dec 14Written By Janie Creighton

Miracle of Might
Miracle of Light
When the Jews regained control of the temple, they only found one small flask of uncontaminated oil with the seal of the High Priest. By Torah law, the flame of the Menorah (Candelabrum) in the Temple could only be lit with specially prepared pure olive oil. The amount of oil remaining in the one uncontaminated flask was only enough to burn for one day, and it would take eight days to produce a new batch of pure oil.
What could they do? They lit it — and it miraculously burned for eight days. That is why Hanukkah lasts eight nights. (Jewishhistory.org)
Today, Israelis find themselves once again surrounded by enemies that are calling for their total annihilation as they chant the genocidal slogan “From the river to the sea.” What are the Israelis to do? Instead of cowering and shrinking back in the face of global hatred and intimidation, many Jewish people are increasingly drawing strength from the miracles of their past. They are standing on the platform of God’s faithfulness and trusting Him to deliver them as in times past. While defending their right to exist, they are also singing songs of hope and victory- even in the midst of great heartache. Have you seen the 2023 Maccabeats Hanukkah song - We're Still Here (Am Yisrael Chai)?
So, is God still performing miracles today?
We have read about miracles of God mysteriously multiplying food for Gaza’s tiny Christian population. Here is a testimony of an IDF soldier who received prayer and then ended up in Gaza. He testified that Hamas repeatedly shot at his head, but a circle of light covered his head, and he walked away unscathed. He too is now singing a song of hope and victory.
When you consider all this, and couple it with the trustworthiness of biblical narratives, we can conclude that God is still very much in the business of performing miracles. And He doesn’t just do it for Israelis alone. We too can look to Him for miracles of might and light. In the midst of our own chaos, pain, and suffering, we can trust Him to intervene in our affairs- to supply all that we need according to His glorious riches.
Standing on His promises,

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