Heather Johnston for the Times of Israel: “There’s only one moral choice: The West must stand with Israel.”
Heather Johnston for the Times of Israel: “There’s only one moral choice: The West must stand with Israel.”
Nov 9Written By Janie Creighton
“Western civilization is at an inflection point. A precipice that requires each leader to unambiguously choose a side.
In his book, Leadership Is an Art, Max De Pree writes that “the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” I would like to add,
accurately. The ability to accurately define reality has set apart leaders throughout the course of history.
Israel, as a nation living under constant existential threat, has developed the keen ability to accurately define its reality. The atrocities we witnessed Iran-backed Hamas commit only cement Israel’s assessment of current realities. For over a decade, they have sounded the alarm on Iranian aggression and Western appeasement. They have repeatedly warned the world of the real threat that belies, not only them but all of Western civilization.
…Winston Churchill, amid the agony of World War II, discerned what his contemporary, Neville Chamberlain, could not. Chamberlain defined the challenge of his day through his attempts at peace, really appeasement, with a rising Nazi Germany. It took Churchill to recognize that this was not only the wrong approach, but also a deadly one.”
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