The Angel in Gaza

Those that have found refuge in the God of Israel can count on Him to intervene miraculously in their lives. Have you heard the joke about how the great military generals of all time gathered to talk about their victories? One by one they stood and recounted stories of mind boggling and impressive feats. Soon a Jewish general stood to address the great assembly. No sooner had he introduced himself than the other generals shouted in protest: "Miracles don't count!" Indeed both ancient Israel and modern Israel have seen miraculous divine intervention during the existential threats they have faced. Here is an account of a recent miraculous intervention that happened to protect Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

We are in a critical time in history for the nation of Israel. Want to engage more?


Eran Glazer’s Thanksgiving Miracle


Heather Johnston for the Times of Israel: “There’s only one moral choice: The West must stand with Israel.”